The management of severe ETOH withdrawal and Delirium Tremens

Alcohol and Delirium Tremens

Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a close differential diagnosis of DT, given the presence of altered sensorium and tremor. However, delirium in HE is usually hypoactive i.e., patients are mostly drowsy and retarded (as opposed to aroused and agitated in DT) and tremors are only visible at hands (flapping tremors) in a particular position (as opposed to whole body tremor in DT). Nevertheless, it must be borne in mind that DT and HE might co-exist and complicate the clinical presentation and management.65 Moreover, HE can be broadly classified as covert and overt HE.

Review ArticleDelirium Tremens: Assessment and Management

Hence thorough clinical examination and laboratory investigations must be carried out for patients with DT. Fluid and electrolyte imbalance and nutritional issues should be taken care of. Intravenous fluid should be used cautiously because of the possibility of volume overload but can be useful in patients with excessive sweating, hyperthermia, and vomiting. Get emergency medical help if you think you’re experiencing symptoms of AWD. You have a better chance of making a full recovery if you receive prompt medical attention. Treatment significantly lowers your risks of complications and death.

  1. The standardization of definitions for AWS will facilitate future comparisons and systematic reviews.
  2. AUDs are common in neurological departments with patients admitted for coma, epileptic seizures, dementia, polyneuropathy, and gait disturbances.
  3. You may be concerned about having DTs symptoms or nervous about seeking treatment.
  4. Alcohol, a CNS depressant, stimulates the GABAergic system and, in acute intoxication, causes a range of clinical manifestations such as disinhibition, euphoria, and sedation.
  5. They can recommend alcohol rehabilitation programs, specialist providers, support groups and more.

Pathophysiology of Delirium Tremens (DT)

The treatment aims to help relieve your symptoms, reduce the chance of complications and, if DTs are bad, save your life. Sedatives, usually benzodiazepines, are medications used to treat alcohol withdrawal and DTs. If your symptoms can’t be managed with sedatives, your doctor may prescribe anesthesia so you will be completely sedated until your symptoms end. You may also need intravenous fluids with vitamins and minerals to treat dehydration or bring your electrolytes back into balance.

Alcohol and Delirium Tremens

Predictors of severe alcohol withdrawal syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Pertinent information in the medical history includes quantity and duration of alcohol use, duration since last drink, prior history and severity of alcohol withdrawal, and any additional drug use. Additional information should be identified regarding any complicating medical problems such as heart failure, coronary heart disease, and chronic liver disease, among others. Some of the symptoms may not be self-reported, and as a result, further evaluation is often needed.

Delirium tremens in literature

Alcohol and Delirium Tremens

For a doctor to diagnose DT, there must be clear evidence of recent alcohol cessation or a reduction in alcohol consumption following prolonged or repeated heavy alcohol use. Delirium tremens is a medical ecstasy withdrawal condition that occurs in response to alcohol withdrawal. The symptoms can begin several days after abruptly decreasing or stopping after a prolonged time of consuming a high amount of alcohol.

World Health Organization. Management of Substance Abuse Unit. Global status report on alcohol and health, 2014

Another instrument the Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS) which, as the name indicates, is actually developed for the assessment of agitation-sedation can be useful in assessment of patients with DT. Both the spectra of consciousness (agitation and stupor) can be encountered in DT. It has been found to have high reliability and validity for medico-surgical patients, patients with or without ventilator support.46 This instrument is useful for patients in ICU and for uncooperative patients. Delirium tremens is a severe, life-threatening form of withdrawal that can happen when a person with alcohol use disorder suddenly stops drinking. Reducing alcohol intake or quitting alcohol entirely is an important step toward improving your health if you have alcohol use disorder. But this is a goal you should also approach safely, and you don’t have to do it alone.

Therefore, it is important to elicit the information in terms of time since last drink. History of previous alcohol withdrawal should also be obtained, as past history of DT or withdrawal seizure increase the risk of DT in the present episode. History regarding use of other substances should also be obtained. Withdrawal from benzodiazepines has a lot of common features (of alcohol withdrawal) like tremor, agitation, perceptual disturbances, seizure, and even delirium.39 Moreover, it might also influence the dose of benzodiazepine to be used for the treatment of DT.

In several studies, possible predictors for the development of a severe AWS have been investigated. Medical history and laboratory biomarkers are the two most important methods for the identification of patients at high risk. Continued symptoms despite multiple doses of the prescribed medication, worsening or severe symptoms (persistent vomiting, hallucinations, confusion, or seizure), signs of oversedation, worsening psychiatric symptoms, or unstable vital signs should prompt transfer to a higher level of care. Symptoms outside of the anticipated withdrawal period or resumption of alcohol use also warrants referral to an addiction specialist or inpatient treatment program. If you have signs of delirium tremens, you will need medical care in an acute care hospital setting.

The duration of hospitalization and treatment for delirium tremens ranges from approximately four to eight days, but it might last longer. According to a study, delirium tremens is estimated to affect between 5% and 12% of people who are dependent on alcohol. If you drink several alcoholic beverages per day and you are thinking about quitting, you need to discuss the process of quitting with a healthcare provider. You can work together to create a safe schedule for you to gradually discontinue alcohol under medical supervision. Delirium tremens is a serious condition that develops due to alcohol withdrawal.

People who consume large amounts of alcohol for an extended period can be susceptible to this withdrawal effect. One main and serious symptom is the occurrence of hallucinations, which need to be treated by a doctor. The only way to prevent delirium tremens is to stop, or dramatically reduce, your alcohol intake. If you’re planning on decreasing your dependence on alcohol, consult your doctor. They can recommend inpatient or outpatient care, depending on your current health status.